Finding Finish Lines

Dream Thieves & The Proven Power of Being Brave

Sally Bulavko Episode 26

"What would you do if you knew you could not fail?"

A friend asked me that question some months back and it set me on a trajectory to chase a new goal. So now I ask you the same question.

Now let's address 3 of the most common limiting beliefs (dream thieves) that threaten to take us off our journey before we even start:

1. Fear

2. Judgement

3. Inadequacy

Dear athlete, whatever puts the flutter in your belly is likely the thing you are meant to do. Stop trying to push it down. It's time to rise.

It's time to chase you goals.

Let me know how I can help! Find me on:



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I'll be back in your ears on Friday. Don't forget to subscribe so that episode will be ready and waiting for you when you are ready for a pre-weekend (What are weekends anymore in the Spring of 2020, but I digress) pep talk. Oh! And share this episode with a friend who needs a little boost of courage to get out there for herself. 

Until next time, carry on, women of valor.