Finding Finish Lines

Feeling Defeated? This Will Make You Show Up Right Now.

Sally Bulavko Episode 27

Hey. Come closer. I have a secret for you.

You are ENOUGH. 

I know it feels like everyone else is already faster or fitter, but that's just the way the social media beast of an algorithm tells fibs. 

If you go outside right now, you will see other people just showing up for themselves, being patient, and putting in the work. 

And they are looking to you for inspiration! 

In endurance sports, we race the same courses at the same times as the pros. What an honor! We get to plant out feet in the same place as the best in the sport. 

Who else gets to do that?

But it can also mean that we compare ourselves to them without even realizing they were once where we are. (See how that works?)

Since we never know who needs us to show up as an example, let's just freaking do the thing! Let's be brave. Show up. Be patient with ourselves.

You got this! 

Hey, while you are out doing your genuine thing this weekend, snap a quick photo, skip the doctoring, and tag me in it on Instagram @FindingFinishLines.  I can't wait to see you! 

Until next time, carry on, women of valor!